Northward Bound

1969 - 1970

Created by Karen 10 years ago
He ended up doing his time and his trouble with the law and prison behind him, he set off. In the summer of 1969, Wm and his friend Bobby "T" (Taylor), set off with suitcases in hand to hitchhike up north. Bobby "T" was a skinny guy who wore a huge cowboy hat, cowboy boots, clothes, the whole nine yards and he had a serious nervous shake that was worse if you scared him, which Wm and his other friends liked to do on occassion. He couldn't drink a cup of coffee without shaking and spilling it ~ every time! He could pass as a close relative of "Barney Fife", that's who he'd remind you of. Anyhow, with suitcases in hand, off they set hitching up north. They got a ride once in awhile but also had to walk a lot. Lugging over-stuffed suitcases behind them, they would stop every couple of days and lighten their load by discarding clothes along the roadside. This kept up for a few days until they got just plain tired of lugging the suitcases and chucked them to the side of the road too then continued on their way with only the clothes on their backs. They continued heading north and somehow met up with my Mum who was heading back to the Cape after living in FL for about a year after her and my Dad divorced. She brought her friend Linda with her. Mum and Linda picked them up hitching somewhere between GA, FL and Cape Cod, not really sure if anyone knows exactly where they met up. Mum came to our house to see my brother, sister and myself as soon as they hit town and they had Wm & Bobby "T" with them. I was 14 yrs. old when introduced to them and thought they were a scruffy bunch as they hadn't shaved since they left GA on their journey. This was the first time I met Wm.